New from Keene's own workshops, the SyncBlaster Black Box ( WITH WORLDWIDE POWER SUPPLY) is the ultimate RGB problem solver, designed to cater for the different video input requirements of RGB monitors, video projectors and plasma screens etc and in particular the way in which the synchronising information is handled. The SyncBlaster Black Box can:
Add sync to the green signal
Remove sync from the green signal
Output separate H & V sync
Output combined H+V sync
Output composite sync on pin19
Remove composite sync from pin 19
Enable composite video output
Disable composite video output
Choose between negative going or positive going sync level outputs
Remove copy protection signals
Be used as a diagnostic tool with LED indication of signal types
Connections for both input and output are via SCART sockets. Usually the input would be a SCART to SCART connection from say a DVD player or digi-box, and the output would typically be to a Plasma screen, projector or monitor. With this in mind you can buy the Syncblaster