

Views: 6252 Κωδικός Προϊόντος: RADALERT-DIGILERT 100
SKU : A1038485
Διαθεσιμότητα: Προπαραγγελία
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Ποσότητα: Καλάθι

Μετρητής ραδιενέργειας για ακτινοβολία Α, Β, Γ, και Χ

Features a three-second update and a Utility Menu that allows you to change the default settings for several operating parameters. 

Its digital liquid crystal display (LCD) shows the current radiation level in your choice of SI units (microsieverts per hour) from .000 to 1,100 and counts per minute (CPM) from 0 to 350,000 or counts per second (CPS) from 0 to 3,500.

For users of conventional units mR/hr (milliroentgens per hour) from .000 to 110 and CPM are optional in the Utility Menu. 

This instrument also offers an accumulated total and timer function, up to 9,999,000 counts and 40 hours.

 Monitor personal radiation exposure

  • Monitor an area or perimeter

  • Detect radiation leaks and contamination

  • Ensure regulatory compliance

  • Monitor changes in background radiation

  • Demonstrate principles of nuclear physics

  • Check for radioactive minerals in the earth



  • Halogen-quenched Geiger-Mueller detector (LND712)

  • Mica end window density is 1.5-2.0 mg/cm²

  • Side wall is 0.012″ #446 stainless steel

  • Detects Alpha, Beta, Gamma, and X-radiation

Display: 4-digit liquid crystal display with mode indicators

Accuracy: ±10% typical; ±15% max. (µSv/hr and mR/hr modes)

Alert: User-adjustable alert level to 500 µSv/hr and 60,000 CPM 

Anti-Saturation: Readout holds at full scale in fields up to 100 times the maximum ready

Calibration: Cesium- 137 (gamma)

Certifications: CE Certified, RoHS Compliant, Meets WEEE standards, and ISO 9001:2001 & ISO 14001

Count Light: Red LED flashes with each count


  • Halogen-quenched Geiger-Mueller detector (LND712)

  • Mica end window density is 1.5-2.0 mg/cm²

  • Side wall is 0.012″ #446 stainless steel

  • Detects Alpha, Beta, Gamma, and X-radiation

Gamma Sensitivity: 1,000 CPM/mR/hr referenced to Cs-137

Operating Range:

mR/hr: .000-110

CPM: 0-350,000

µSv/hr: .000-1,100

CPS: 0-3,500

Total: 0-9,999,000 counts

Timer: up to 40 hours

Options: Computer software and cable available


  • Output: Stereo 3.5 mm jack sends counts to computers, data loggers, other CMOS-compatible devices, headphones and educational data collection systems.

  • Input: Mono 2.5 mm jack provides electronic calibration input. 0-3.3 V, >5 µs width, rising edge triggered.

Power: One 9-volt alkaline battery; average battery life is 2,000 hours at typical, 700 hours minimum at normal background radiation levels at sea level. Battery life decreases as radiation level rises.

Sensitivity: 1000 cpm/mR/hr referenced to Cs-137

Size: 150 x 80 x 30 mm (5.9″ x 3.2″ x 1.2″)

Weight: 225 grams (8 oz) including battery


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